Lotus Beto 700 – Magic Door
Created for staying warm
Beto is a series of wood-burning stoves designed with superior heat-retention properties. The stoves are built with either concrete or soapstone. Soapstone has several unique advantages, the most important being its outstanding heat-retention properties. For a similar effect with concrete Beto, choose Beto concrete with Powerstones. In terms of design, concrete allows you to create a harmonious and elegant look for your stove. Both stove types in the series are supplied in different versions and sizes, and the soapstone model is about the closest you can get to achieving the unique properties of a true masonry stove.
Technical Data
- Chimney Draft: 12 Pa
- Nominal Heat Output: 6kW
- Operating Area: 3-7kW
- Room Size: 30-120 m2
- Particle Emissions: 4,62
- Hourly Consumption: 1,7 kg
- Efficiency: 83%
Powerstones are specially developed by Lotus and boast particularly good heat-retention properties. The stones are fitted above the combustion chamber and are supplied as standard on Beto soapstone stoves. On the Beto concrete stoves, the Powerstones is supplied as an accessory.